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  First Touch (2022)

The project’s objective is to create a choreography by extending the subject of human dance to the natural environment. The choreographic approach of urban ecology methodically inspires the project. This approach is rooted in the principle of improvisation and experiments with different forms of using the city itself as a working space. We are particularly interested in the “dances of other species (bacteria, moss, plants, animals). As Donna Haraway says; “The order is reknitted: human beings are with and of the earth, and the biotic and abiotic powers of this earth are the main story”*; we are exploring ways to incorporate the  “dances” of other species.

On stage, we try to show the movement and time of the non-humans that disrupt the temporal

axis of the humans by bringing them into contact. FIRST TOUCH is a piece that slowly covers

a theater by moss and entangles a non-human choreography. The actions grow on the stage like lichen. Les lichens, “qui ne sont ni des plantes, ni des animaux, ni un, obligent repenser les règles de la distribution des identités**.” Based on this idea, three performers create performances while associated with various identities such as cactus, vegetable, cat, moss, sloth, driftwood, and stone to express on stage a small resistance to anthropocentrism.


* Donna J. Haraway, Staying with the trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene, Duke University Press, 2016, p.55

** Vincent Zonca, LICHENS pour une résistance minimale, préface d'Emanuele Coccia, Le Pommier,

2021, p.5

Project by Mapped to the Closest Address  (Shuntaro Yoshida, Alex Viteri, Maharu Maeno, Catalina Fernadz) + Yuni Hong Charpe

Performance: bacteria, driftwood, cactus, clementines, two trees with lichen, two plants in the studio in Honolulu, dead leaves, Ryosuke Furuya, okra, gunnera, Maharu Maeno, miscanthus, moss, three vines, wadding, rice plant, Violeta, house plant, Shuntaro Yoshida, Yuni Hong Charpe

Video: 4|1c3, Yuni Hong Charpe


Special Thanks: 4|1c3, Cynthia Albisser, Domain de la Sénèchalière, Gaelle, Himari Furuya, Honolulu, Kazumasa Maeno, Loïc Touzé, Masahiro Taniguchi, aquatic birds, bear in a cage at the Berlin zoo, sloth, Riho Kitahara, Yurie Furuya

Supported by Arts Council Tokyo (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture)

Video (teaser) :

Video (full) :

Artists conducted environment-themed dance workshops and performances in Berlin in Germany and Nantes in France, documenting these in an origami-style book, “Lichen score” (designed by Tezzo Suzuki with English proofreading by Emily Garfield). In the research process, members interviewed arborists, physicists, and chemists in Japan. The resulting work reflected the ecosystem of the Tokyo area, and was well received when it was performed in Nantes.


舞台上では、非人間と接触することで、人間の時間軸を乱すような非人間の動きや時間を意識的に提示する。FIRST TOUCHは、劇場をゆっくりと苔で覆い、非人間の振付と絡み合うような作品であり、 行為はは地衣類のように舞台上で成長していく。地衣類は「植物でもなく、動物でもなく、1つでないものは、アイデンティティの割り当てのルールの再考を強いるものである」**。この考えに基づき、3人のパフォーマーがサボテン、野菜、猫、苔、ナマケモノ、流木、石など様々なアイデンティティと関係しながらパフォーマンスを行い、人間中心主義への小さな抵抗を表現する。

* Donna J. Haraway, Staying with the trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene, Duke University Press, 2016, p.55

** Vincent Zonca, LICHENS pour une résistance minimale, préface d'Emanuele Coccia, Le Pommier,

2021, p.5

Mapped to the Closest Address(Shuntaro Yoshida, Alex Viteri, Maharu Maeno, Catalina Fernadz) + Yuni Hong Charpeによるプロジェクト


ビデオ: 4|1c3、ユニ・ホン・シャープ

スペシャルサンクス:4|1c3、ガエル、キタハラリホ、シンシア・アルビサー、タニグチマサヒロ、Domain de la Sénèchalière、ナマケモノ、フルヤヒマリ、フルヤユリエ、ベルリン動物園の檻の中の熊、ホノルル、マエノカズマサ、水鳥、ロイック・トゥゼ

助成:公益財団 法人東京都歴史文化財団 アーツカウンシル東京

Video (teaser) :

Video (full) :



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