Of Chroma (2019)
The performance adopts a narrative structure, presenting the story of Chroma, in which a dystopian futuristic city is transformed by the healing forces of unexpected outside visitors. The piece consists of a dance performance and analog light projection synchronized with a live soundtrack – presenting the model of the city in stages of progress and retrograde as it is influenced by the actors.
19.05.2019 Queens Museum (New York)
Choreography: Shuntaro Yoshida
Costume: Jeannine Han
Music: Dan Riley
Video: https://youtu.be/pYOeSh8iiqc
2019年5月19日 クイーンズ美術館(ニューヨーク)
振付・出演: 吉田駿太朗、ジャニー・ハン、ダン・ライリー